PhD Day 2021

The DRSTP PhD Student Council is organizing the PhD day: the annual meeting organized by and for the younger researchers in the Research School.
During this 13th edition of the PhD Day you will hear inspiring talks from PhD students in several areas of theoretical physics and beyond. Just like previous editions, the PhD Day is the right moment to meet old friends and make new ones, to share the joys and pains of being a scientist.
Despite the recent relaxation of measures, we are bound to a maximum of 75 persons because of corona-related restrictions. If you want to participate, please sign up as soon as possible! In case the number of participants exceeds 75, we will select participants on first-come-first-serve basis.

  • Date:

    Friday, 5 November 2021

  • Location:

    Minnaert building, Utrecht University
    Lecturehall: 2.02
    Leuvenlaan 4
    3584 CE Utrecht
    Utrecht Science Park/De Uithof
    Route description

  • Speakers:

    PhD student talks:
    Willem Boon (UU)
    Solange Schrijver van Velzen (UvA/Nikhef)
    Marco van der Laan (UvA)

    Career talks:
    Kristof de Bruyn (RUG)
    Keri Vos (UM)
    Huibert het Lam (Rabobank)
    Adriaan Rol (Orange Quantum Systems)

    There will be a free lunch for registered participants, a very challenging and fun pub quiz and inspiring talks.

  • Schedule:

    10:30h: Arrival and registration
    11:00h: Opening words

    Morning Session:
    11:05h: Phd talk 1 – Willem Boon (UU)
    11:30h: Phd talk 2 – Solange Schrijnder van Velzen (UvA/Nikhef)
    11:55h: External speaker 1 – Kristof de Bruyn (RUG)
    12:30h: Lunch – (Educatorium)

    Afternoon Session 1:
    13:35h: External speaker 2 – Keri Vos (UM)
    14:05h: Phd talk 3 – Marco van der Laan (UvA)
    14:35h: Pub Quiz

    15:20h: Coffee break

    Afternoon Session 2:
    15:45h: External speaker 3 – Huibert het Lam (Rabobank)
    16:20h: External speaker 4 – Adriaan Rol (Orange Quantum Systems)

    16:55h: Drinks

  • Registration:

    Registration deadline: 4 November 2021
    Lunch and drinks will be provided free of charge.
    If you have registered and are unable to attend please send a mail to

  • Organizers:

    The DRSTP PhD Student Council

  • Bureau:

    Mariëlle Hilkens, Secretary, 030-2535928,
    Olga Sobrino Gutierrez, Secretary, 030 2535928