PhD school and Symposium Trends in Theory 2024

Every other year the DRSTP organizes both the THEP and SPTCM PhD schools and its biennial conference as a single event. In 2024 these events will be combined in one week. The PhD school will last 3 days, and will feature plenary and parallel lectures that are intended for all Dutch PhD students in theoretical physics, regardless of their own research focus. This PhD school will be followed by a two-day conference for all theoretical physicists in the Netherlands. The conference program will consist of plenary talks on recent developments in theoretical physics, and a poster session for PhD students.

  • DATES:

    Mon 13 to Fri 17 May: PhD school including the Symposium Trends in Theory

    Thu 16 and Fri 17 May: Symposium Trends in Theory


    Registration form PhD school, including two-day Symposium (13-17 May)
    Note: this registration form is for everyone who will attend the school. All PhD students who attend the school are expected to stay on for the Symposium.

    Registration fee for all PhD students doing their PhD at a Dutch university: € 500,-.
    Registration fee for all other PhD students: € 850,-.
    The registration fee includes a double room for four nights and all meals. Students are expected to share a room.

    Registration deadline: 19 April 2024
    The full registration fee will be charged for cancellations after 25 April 2024.

    Be aware that when you fill in the registration form correctly you should immediately receive a confirmation email. If not, something went wrong, so please submit the form again.

    You will receive a final confirmation and further information after the registration is closed.
    An invoice will be sent to your affiliation.


    Registration form two-day Symposium Trends in Theory only (16-17 May)
    Note: this registration form is for everyone who will NOT attend the school.

    Registration is free of charge for all Dutch theoretical physicists, while limited fellowships are available for MSc students (see below).

    Registration deadline: 19 April 2024

    Be aware that when you fill in the registration form correctly you should immediately receive a confirmation email. If not, something went wrong, so please submit the form again.

    You will receive a final confirmation and further information after the registration is closed.

    Note: You have to book a hotel room yourself.
    You can book a room at WICC by sending an e-mail to stating “DRSTP – GUEST – Symposium” and name, address, arrival, departure.
    There are limited rooms available at WICC!


    Target group PhD school:
    All PhD students in Theoretical Physics, especially those in their first and second year. A limited number of fellowships is available for MSc students close to finishing. To apply for a fellowship, send a brief motivation and a short letter of support by your supervisor to before March 31, 2024.

    Target group Symposium Trends & Theory:
    All theoretical physicists are invited to attend. A limited number of selected MSc students may participate free of charge: excellent MSc students at the end of their thesis phase may apply by sending a brief motivation and a short support letter of their supervisor to, before April 4, 2024.

  • LECTURERS PhD school:

    Quantum Information – Michael Walter (Bochum, Germany)
    Cosmology – Ivonne Zavala (Swansea, Wales)
    Effective Field Theory – Anke Biekoetter (Mainz, Germany)
    Orbitronics – Yuriy Mokrousov (Juelich, Germany)
    Soft Condensed Matter – Timon Idema, (TU Delft)

    The course “Quantum Information” will be for all students. The courses on “Cosmology” and “Effective Field Theory” will be parallel to “Orbitronics” and “Soft Condensed Matter”, offering a choice between a more particle physics or condensed matter oriented focus. All lectures will be accompanied by hands-on exercises.

    For the detailed program of the school click here.

  • SPEAKERS Symposium:

    Anton Akhmerov (TUD): a roundabout for waves
    Jonas Helsen (CWI): The quantum PCP conjecture and you
    Timon Idema (TUD): From balls and springs to colonies and tissues
    Michhail Katsnelson (RU): Origin of classicality in quantum spin systems
    Daan Meerburg (RUG):Machine Learning applications in Cosmology
    Shuxia Tao (TU/e): Materials theory of halide perovskites: ion, charge, and spin dynamics
    Jordi Tura Brugués (UL): Certifying spectral gaps of quantum many-body systems
    Herman Verlinde (Princeton, DRSTP advisory committee): String theory
    Jordy de Vries (UvA): Effective Field Theory and the mysterious hints of a non-unitary quark mixing matrix
    Zeila Zanolli (UU): Quantum Materials by Design

  • PROGRAM symposium:

    The symposium will caleidoscope theoretical physics research in the Netherlands, covering recent developments in condensed matter physics, theoretical high energy physics, quantum computing, and machine learning. All students are invited to participate in the poster sessions showing their research and participate in the round table discussion on artificial intelligence, led by Jean-Sébastien Caux (UvA), Allard Mosk (UU), and Max Welling (UvA).

    For the detailed program, including titles,  click here.

  • VENUE:

    Hotel WICC
    Lawickse Allee 9
    website WICC


    Irene Aguilera (UvA),
    Juan Diego Arias Espinoza (UvA),
    Andrey Bagrov (RU),
    Wim Beenakker (RU),
    Robin van Bijleveld (NIKHEF),
    Ema Dimastrogiovanni (RUG),
    Wouter Ellenbroek (TUe),
    Frank Saueressig (RU),
    Jagoda Slawinska (RUG),
    Jasper van Wezel (UvA),

    Registration/financial matters will be handled by the DRSTP Bureau:
    Annette Ligtenberg, secretary
    tel: +31 (0)30 2535928

    Mariëlle Hilkens, manager
    tel: +31 (0)30 2537549
