Postgraduate AIO/OIO School 2012

  • Program:

    Leonardo DiCarlo (TNW):
    An introduction to quantum information processing from an experimental perspective

    Detlef Lohse (UT):
    Thermally driven turbulence;Taylor-Couette turbulence; Droplet impact on a surface; Surface nanobubbles

    Henk Stoof (UU) and Gerard Barkema (UU/UL):
    Renormalization-group methods

    Ari Turner (UvA):
    Quantum phases and their entanglement

    Rene van Roij (UU):
    From basic thermodynamics and classical ensembles to self-assembly and energy conversion

    Evening speakers:
    Detlef Lohse (UT):
    Bubble puzzles

    Hans Oerlemans (IMAU, UU):
    Nonlinear behaviour of glaciers

    Jan-Willem van Holten (Nikhef/UL):
    Majorana fermions in particle physics

  • Organizers:

    Rembert Duine (UU)
    Vincenzo Vitelli (UL)
    Shanna Haaker (UvA)

  • Registration:

    The registration fee is € 1.050,– and includes a double room for eight nights and all meals and a cooking workshop. Alcoholic beverages are not included.

    PhD students are expected to share a room.

    Please note: DRSTP PhD-students will be given priority in case of overbooking.

    You will receive an e-mail confirmation and further information after the closing date.
    An invoice will be sent to the address you indicated on your registration form. In most cases, this is your affiliation.

    The full registration fee will be charged for cancellation after 12 March 2012.

    If you wish to stay the weekend you must make your own arrangements.