Postgraduate AIO/OIO School 2014
- Program:
B. de Wit (UU): Gauge theories
R. Fleischer (Nikhef/VUA): Flavor physics: CP violation and rare B decays
A. Boyarsky (UL): Plan B: BSM physics without new particles at the LHC
S. Vandoren (UU): Black holesEvening speaker:
P. Decowski (Nikhef/UvA) - Organizers:
Jan-Willem van Holten (Nikhef/UL)
e-mail: t32@nikhef.nl
tel. +31 (0)20 5925131Shin’ichiro Ando (UvA)
e-mail: s.ando@uva.nl
tel. +31 (0)20 5256316Andrea Signori (VUA)
e-mail: a.signori@vu.nl
tel.: +31 (0)20 5987906Secretary DRSTP
Wanda Verweij
e-mail: w.l.verweij@uu.nl
tel.: +31 (0)30 2535219 - Registration:
Registration fee: € 1.250,–
The registration fee includes a double room for eight nights, all meals and a social event. Students are expected to share a room.DRSTP PhD students will be given priority in case of overbooking.
You will receive an e-mail confirmation and further information after the registration closing date.
An invoice will be sent to your affiliation.35% of the registration fee will be charged for cancellations after 27 December 2013.
60% of the registration fee will be charged for cancellations after 13 January 2014.
100% of the registration fee will be charged for cancellations after 20 January 2014.Students must attend the whole period of the school.
If you wish to stay the weekend you must make your own arrangements. - Social event:
You will be taken on a guided walk in the surroundings of the conference center. Don’t forget to bring your walking shoes!
- Venue:
Hotel and conference center Landgoed Zonheuvel
Amersfoortseweg 98, 3941 EP Doorn
Tel: 0343-473500
Fax: 0343-473599
E-mail: info@hotelzonheuvel.eu
Website: https://www.landgoedzonheuvel.nl/A beamer and a blackboard will be available.