Postgraduate AIO/OIO School 2019
- Target group:
hether your research involves theme 1 (high energy) or theme 2 (condensed matter) you may choose both schools to attend. For example, in your first year of employment you may attend the THEP school and in the second year the SPTCM school. Postdocs, advanced Master’s students, as well as graduate students from foreign countries are also welcome.
- Lecturers:
week 1 (25-29 March 2019):
Tobias Meng (TU Dresden): Topology for beginners and electrons
Mikhail Pletyukhov (RWTH Aachen): Geometric aspects of closed and open quantum systems
Rianne van den Berg (UvA) (evening lecturer, 27 March): Out of physics and into deep learningweek 2 (1-5 April 2019):
Wouter Ellenbroek (TU/e): Theory of elasticity and rigidity transitions
Corrado Rainone (UvA): The replica method: from spin glasses, to glasses, to jamming
Shira Chapman (UvA) (evening lecturer, 1 April): Circuit complexity for Gaussian states - Organizers:
Edan Lerner (UvA)
e-mail: e.lerner@uva.nl
tel.: +31 (0)20 525 8397Dirk Schuricht (UU)
e-mail: d.schuricht@uu.nl
tel.: +31 (0)30 253 2805Geert Kapteijns (UL)
e-mail: ghkapteijns@gmail.comBureau DRSTP:
W. Verweij (Secretary)
e-mail: w.l.verweij@uu.nl
tel.: +31 (0)30 253 5928Drs. J.M. van Zee (Managing Director)
e-mail: j.m.vanzee@uu.nl
tel.: +31 (0)30 253 7549 - Registration:
Registration fee: € 1.490,–
Registration is closed.* Be aware that if you fill in the form correctly you should immediately receive a confirmation email. If not, then something went wrong and you will have to submit the form again. All fields must be filled in.
The registration fee includes a double room for eight nights, all meals and two organized social events. Students are expected to share a room.
You will receive a final confirmation and further information after the registration closing date.
An invoice will be sent to your institute.Students must attend the full two weeks.
If you wish to stay the weekend you must make your own arrangements. - Social events:
First week (Tuesday, 26 March 2019, 15h00-20h00)
Cooking workshop TAPAS in Zwolle Dutch spoken only. Drinks are included; transfer will be arranged, bus arrives at Mooirivier at 15h00.Second week (Tuesday, 2 April 2019, 20h00-21h00)
Pub quiz, Oude Cafe Mooirivier, organizer Geert KapteijnsThere is also a soccer table available and a suitcase full of games and films.
- Venue:
Oude Oever 10
7722 VE Dalfsen
the Netherlands
telephone: +31 (0)529 478777
fax: +31 (0)529 478778
e-mail: info@mooirivier.nl
Route description – Facilities – Floor plan hotelCheck-in time is 14h00.
Check-out time is 10h00.A beamer and a blackboard will be available.