Postgraduate AIO/OIO School 2020
- Target group:
Whether your research involves theme 1 (high energy) or theme 2 (condensed matter) you may attend both schools. For example, in your first year of employment you may attend the THEP school and in the second year the SPTCM school. Postdocs, advanced Master’s students, as well as graduate students from foreign countries are welcome.
- Lecturers/ literature:
week 1:
Glenn Barnich (Université Libre de Bruxelles) – Symmetries and conservation laws in gauge and gravitational theoriesBen Freivogel (UvA) – The Black Hole Information Problem
Evening lecturer: Sascha Caron (RU) – Particle Physics in the Future
week 2:
Diederik Roest (RUG) – Cosmic inflation: the quantum origin of the Universe
Juan Rojo (VU) – The Standard Model Effective Field TheoryEvening lecturer: Barbara Terhal (QUTech/TU Delft)
- Organizers:
Timothy Budd (RU)
Marieke Postma (Nikhef)
Solange Schrijnder van Velzen (UvA)
Bureau DRSTP
Joost van Zee (Managing Director)
e-mail: j.m.vanzee@uu.nl
tel.: +31 (0)30 253 7549Mariëlle Hilkens (Secretary)
e-mail: m.e.t.hilkens@uu.nl
tel.: +31 (0)30 253 5928 - Registration:
Registration fee: € 1490,-
Registration deadline: 1 December 2019* Be aware that if you fill in the form correctly you should immediately receive a confirmation email. If not, something went wrong and you will have to submit the form again.
The registration fee includes a double room for eight nights, all meals and an organized social activity. Students are expected to share a room.
You will receive a final confirmation and further information after the registration closing date. An invoice will be sent to your affiliation.
Students must attend the full two weeks.
If you wish to stay the weekend you must make your own arrangements. - Social events:
- Venue:
Oude Oever 10
7722 VE Dalfsen
the Netherlands
telephone: +31 (0)529 478777
e-mail: info@mooirivier.nlTransportation:
It is possible to make use of a specially booked touringcar “South West Tours”, which will bring you on Monday’s from Station Zwolle to Hotel Mooirivier and on Fridays from Hotel Mooirivier back to the Station Zwolle.This touringcar is located at the south-side of the station (Hanzelaan en Lubeckplein).
Monday 27 January leaving from Station Zwolle, at 12.00 hours
Friday 31 January leaving from Hotel Mooirivier, at 14.15 hours
Monday 3 February leaving from Station Zwolle, at 12.00 hours
Friday 7 February leaving from Hotel Mooirivier, at 14.15 hoursIncase you missed the touringcar see this route description:
Bus or train: How to get to Mooirivier by bus or trainTaxi: +31 (0)529 726000 or ask Mooirivier to order one for you (ahead of time).
Check-in time is 14h00.
Check-out time is 10h00.A beamer and a blackboard will be available.