Postgraduate AIO/OIO School 2022 (Theme 2)
6- 12 JUNE 2022 in Callantsoog
- Target group:
Whether your research involves theme 1 (high energy) or theme 2 (condensed matter) you may choose either schools to attend. For example, in your first year of employment you may attend the THEP school and in the second year the SPTCM school. Postdocs, advanced Master’s students, as well as graduate students from foreign countries are also welcome.
- Lecturers:
Week 1 – 6 June – 12 June 2022
Chris Hooley (St. Andrews) – Strongly Correlated Quantum Systems
Bela Mulder (UvA) – Theory of Biomolecular Matter
Carlo Beenakker (UL) – Random-matrix theory of Majorana fermions and topological superconductors
Frank Smallenburg (Orsay) – When liquids misbehave
Laura Fillion (UU) – Machine learning workshopEvening program:
8th June: Open Podium presentations and discussion
10th June: Machine learning workshop - Organizers:
Laura Filion (UU)
e-mail: l.c.filion@uu.nl
tel.: +31 (0)30 253 3519Stefano Polla (UL)
e-mail: polla@lorentz.leidenuniv.nlJasper van Wezel (UvA)
e-mail: j.vanwezel@uva.nl
tel.: +31 (0)20 5255746Bureau DRSTP:
M.E.T. Hilkens(coordinator operations)
e-mail: m.e.t.hilkens@uu.nl
tel.: +31 (0)30 253 7549 - Registration:
Registration form: https://www.formdesk.com/universiteitutrecht-beta/DRSTP_SPTCM_2022
Registration fee: € 1025,–
Registration deadline: 16 May 2022* Be aware that if you fill in the form correctly you should immediately receive a confirmation email. If not, then something went wrong and you will have to submit the form again. All fields must be filled in.
The registration fee includes a double room for six nights and all meals. Students are expected to share a room.
You will receive a final confirmation and further information after the registration closing date.
An invoice will be sent to your institute.Students must attend the full seven days.
- Venue:
Badhotel Callantsoog
Abbestederweg 26
1759 NB Callantsoog
+31 (0)224 – 58 22 22
info@badhotelcallantsoog.nl - Schedule: