Theoretical physics: from the cosmos to the stock market (spring 2021)
We are happy to announce the Delta ITP Course Advanced Topics in Theoretical Physics aimed at advanced Master’s students, PhD and postdoctoral researchers, which takes place in the spring 2021 and has as theme "Theoretical physics: from the cosmos to the stock market".
The course consists of three 5-week modules. Each module consists of four lectures and exercise sessions, as well as an exam.
Lectures will take place on Monday's at 11:15-13:00, followed by a study/exercise session 13:45- end.
At the end of the module there is an exam. All exams will be graded with a pass or fail. You need to pass all three exams to receive credit for the course.
We anticipate that all teaching will take place online, for which the details will be communicated to registered participants.
Please register here before the course begins, even if you do not take the course for credit. We cannot send you important notices or process your grade if you do not register.
Please contact your local organizer (below) for details.
- Module 1:
Eric Laenen (UvA)
Soft theorems and gauge theories
Lectures: Feb 1, 8, 15, 22, Room G5.29, UvA Science Park 904 Amsterdam
Exam: Mar 1In these lectures we examine the structure of scattering amplitudes with soft gauge fields, both abelian and non-abelian. We explain the role of Wilson lines and so-called webs that allow all-order organization. We discuss the Low-Burnett-Kroll theorem and next-to-soft effects, and modern ways to organize these. Applications to cross sections and even to gravity are discussed.
- Module 2:
Robbert Pullen (UL&Optiver)
Physics and Finance
Lectures: Mar 8, 15, 22, 29
No class Apr 5 (Easter)
Exam: Apr 12This course introduces how physics and physics concepts play a role in the dynamics of financial markets. At its core is the equivalence between the heat-equation and the Black-Scholes equation for option pricing. We build on this to explore the statistical “mechanics” underlying more intricate options such as Greeks. During the course we highlight both the commonality and the difference between physics and finance questions.
Lecture 1: Financial Markets and their dynamics.
Lecture 2: From the Heat Equation to Black-Scholes and Option Pricing
Lecture 3: Greeks; its physical interpretation, characteristics and dynamics
Lecture 4: Pricing beyond ES options, binomial trees and Monte Carlo simulationThese lectures will be based on selections from a specially developed course by and for physicists and mathematicians now working at Optiver Trading.
- Module 3:
Tanja Hinderer (UU)
Gravitational Waves for fundamental physics
Lectures: Apr 19, May 10, 17, 31
No class Apr 26 (King’s day), May 3 (UvA holiday), May 24 (Pentecost)
Exam: June 7The goal of this module is to become familiarized with the tools for using gravitational waves to probe fundamental physics in unexplored regimes. We will begin with a basic introduction to gravitational waves from binary systems and the important role of theoretical models for the measurements, assuming knowledge of General Relativity. We will then cover modern modeling methods such as black hole perturbation theory, approximations for the inspiral, and effective one body resummations. We will discuss example applications to gravitational-wave signatures from physical effects that encode information about the nature of black holes, strong-field gravity, QCD at extreme density, and dark matter, and conclude with an outlook to the remaining challenges and future prospects.
- Contact:
Dr. Lars Fritz
Institute for Theoretical Physics
Utrecht University
Princetonplein 5
3584 CC Utrecht
tel: +31 30 253 3880
e-mail: l.fritz@uu.nlProf. Koenraad Schalm
Instituut-Lorentz for Theoretical Physics
Leiden University
Niels Bohrweg 2
2335 CA Leiden
email: kschalm@lorentz.leidenuniv.nlDr. Wouter Waalewijn
Institute for Theoretical Physics
University of Amsterdam
Science Park 904
1098 XH Amsterdam
tel: +31 (0)20 525 3204
e-mail: w.j.waalewijn@uva.nlAdministrative matters:
Mariëlle Hilkens
Institute for Theoretical Physics
Utrecht University
Princetonplein 5
3584 CC Utrecht
tel: +31 30 253 5906
e-mail: m.e.t.hilkens@uu.nl