New director DRSTP

In September 2024, professor Thomas Grimm was appointed as the new director of the DRSTP. Thomas works at the Institute for Theoretical Physics at Utrecht University and investigates quantum field theories and string theories utilizing advanced mathematical techniques from geometry. Since joining Utrecht University in 2017, he has played an active role in shaping the educational program, serving as the education director for the physics Master’s and PhD program over the past three years.

Thomas succeeds Professor Rembert Duine, who has now assumed the role of director at the Institute for Theoretical Physics at Utrecht University. Rembert’s leadership made a lasting impact on the DRSTP by expanding its educational programs and fostering new collaborations. With Thomas stepping into this role, the DRSTP aims to further expand its role as a PhD school that offers high-quality education and serves as a dynamic platform for theoretical physicists throughout the Netherlands, building on the momentum established under his predecessor.