Tomas Osterholt
PhD student, member PhD council
Quantum Matter
- Prof.dr. R.A. Duine
I am interested in..
What are you working on?
I am currently working in the fields of spintronics and magnetism. More precisely, I investigate so-called Van der Waals magnets, which are two-dimensional magnetic systems. I try to understand how these systems behave, and how their properties can be altered by for instance changing the twist angle between two stacked ferromagnetic layers.
What are you looking to get out of the DRSTP?
The DRSTP offers the perfect opportunity to connect with fellow PhD students in the Netherlands and it gives a broad overview of current ‘hot topics’ in theoretical physics.
What interests do you have apart from you research?
I enjoy playing piano, reading, tennis (and sports in general) and spending time with friends.