Zooming in on the Universe: In Search of Quantum Spacetime
This thesis investigates low-dimensional models of nonperturbative quantum gravity, with a special focus on Causal Dynamical Triangulations (CDT). We define the so-called curvature profile, a new quantum gravitational observable based on the quantum Ricci curvature. We subsequently study its coarse-graining capabilities on a class of regular, two-dimensional polygons with isolated curvature singularities, and we determine the curvature profile of (1+1)-dimensional CDT with toroidal topology. Next, we focus on CDT in 2+1 dimensions, intvestigating the behavior of the two-dimensional spatial slice geometries. We then turn our attention to matrix models, exploring a differential reformulation of the integrals over one- and two-matrix ensembles. Finally, we provide a hands-on introduction to computer simulations of CDT quantum gravity.